4. Deep Dive into Kryll³ Suite

Kryll³’s innovative suite comprises four key products, each tailored to meet the diverse needs of the crypto investment community. These products (SmartFolio, X-Ray, Gem Detector, and Harpoon) combine to offer a comprehensive view of the crypto market, equipping users with the insights needed to navigate its complexities confidently.

4.1 SmartFolio: The AI-Powered Web3 Portfolio Agent

SmartFolio is your comprehensive Web3 portfolio agent, providing detailed tracking and analysis of your tokens, DeFi protocols, NFTs, and more across multiple networks like Ethereum or Solana, and Layer 2 solutions such as Arbitrum, Base or Polygon. This innovative tool is set to redefine how investors manage and optimize their digital asset portfolios.

The main innovation of SmartFolio lies in the capabilities of Agent K, an artificial intelligence developed by Kryll’s teams, to analyze your crypto holdings. Connected to all market data, onchain metrics and main news feeds, Agent K can quickly inform you of the latest market news or updates on projects you have invested in, find new tokens that match your current narratives, search for low market cap cryptos in specific domains, inform you about the evolution of on-chain data for particular projects… Moreover, Agent K can conduct research on all these variables to discover promising tokens, providing you with valuable insights to optimize your portfolio.

In addition to the powerful AI capabilities of Agent K, SmartFolio offers a range of features that make it an indispensable tool for Web3 investors: Ease of use, Aggregation of EVM & Solana wallets and integration with other Kryll³ tools: SmartFolio seamlessly integrates with other Kryll³ tools, such as X-Ray and Gem Detector, enhancing your ability to analyze and optimize your portfolio.

SmartFolio Mockup

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4.2 X-Ray: Your Comprehensive Market Lens

X-Ray is designed as the ultimate tool for cryptocurrency market analysis, offering users a panoramic view of the cryptocurrency landscape. It is a comprehensive market analysis tool for cryptocurrencies, evaluating digital assets based on a wide range of data points across five main axes.

- Financial Metrics: X-Ray examines the financial health and performance of each project (whether on CEX or DEX), including market capitalization, trading volume, liquidity and price trends, the gap between current and maximum capitalization, the number of platforms where tokens are listed, etc.

- Technical Analysis: The tool uses charting techniques and analyzes the performance of various technical indicators to identify points of interest and caution for each analyzed asset, as well as to assess the strength of market trends for these assets.

- On-Chain Intelligence: By analyzing blockchain data, X-Ray provides insights into network activity, transaction volumes, wallet distribution, and other key metrics that can indicate the fundamental strength of a cryptocurrency and its tokenomics.

- Social Review: X-Ray monitors sentiment on social networks, media coverage, and community engagement to evaluate public perception and the popularity of cryptocurrencies.

- Cybersecurity Audit: The tool assesses the security of various projects by analyzing the attention given to securing project websites, scrutinizing smart contract vulnerabilities, and reviewing the history of security incidents.

Combining these fundamental analysis heuristics with advanced deep learning models, X-Ray consolidates project evaluations to provide users with all points of interest and caution for each analyzed asset. The tool presents a comprehensive assessment of a cryptocurrency’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling users to make informed investment decisions.

By engaging in a conversation with the AI assistant, users can ask specific questions about a project’s team, technology, roadmap, or any other aspect that might influence their investment decision. X-Ray’s user-friendly interface and interoperability with Agent K make it a powerful and efficient tool, while remaining clear and educational. It bridges the gap between technical data and actionable information, allowing users of all skill levels to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market with confidence.

X-Ray Mockup

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4.3 Gem Detector: Unveiling Tomorrow’s Crypto Stars

Gem Detector is a high-potential token identification tool that excels in identifying promising, under-the-radar tokens before they gain mainstream attention. Equipped with X-Ray technology, the Gem Detector allows users to define and cross-reference various criteria, such as market cap, narrative, security, social engagement, volume, and more. By combining multi-chain surveillance, automated X-Ray analyses, and deep-learning algorithms, it audits new tokens in real-time and alerts users as soon as a new project meets their specified conditions, even before it catches the public’s attention.

The Gem Detector informs users through various notification channels, providing them with a first-mover advantage in the fast-paced crypto market. This innovative tool offers users the ability to customize their search criteria, ensuring that the tokens identified align with their investment strategies and risk preferences.

Like on X-Ray, users can leverage the power of Agent K to gain additional insights into the projects identified by the Gem Detector. This unique feature enhances the user experience and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the potential gems uncovered by the tool.

Gems detector Mockup

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4.4 Harpoon: Follow of Smart Money

Harpoon represents the final stage of the Kryll³ rocket and targets the actions and strategies of the most influential market players, offering unparalleled insights into the movements of the “smart money.” By analyzing significant transactions and wallet activities, Harpoon deciphers the strategies of successful investors, providing users with actionable intelligence to guide their investment decisions.

With access to comprehensive market data, the latest news, analyses from X-Ray, and gem identification via the Gem Detector, Harpoon is capable of mapping out significant transactions and the activities of wallets that were active before the masses arrived. By using labeling, cross-referencing, and address tracking techniques through various algorithms and deep learning models, Harpoon detects and informs the user about insider strategies, providing early intelligence while also informing about the associated risks of such investments.

As with our other products, the user will always have access to Agent K to learn more about these tokens and the actions of whales. This unique feature enhances the user experience and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the potential investment opportunities uncovered by Harpoon.

Harpoon Mockup

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